

自2013年创立以来创新互联建站专注于”帮助中小企业+互联网”, 也是目前成都地区具有实力的互联网服务商。团队致力于为企业提供--站式网站建设、移动端应用( H5手机营销、重庆APP开发公司、微信开发)、软件开发、信息化解决方案等服务。



上面代码怎么运行.自么都有错误.写的也都对啊..errorthrown 提示 not transport .搞什么搞..


Ajax calls to encoded Internationalized domain names doesn't work in Internet Explorer

Using jQuery 1.5 or 1.5.1, any ajax() calls to encoded Internationalized domain names (IDN) (like xn--bcher-kva.ch) seems to fail in Internet Explorer 8. It worked fine in jQuery 1.4.4 and also with 1.5+ in any other browser than IE. It also works when using the unencoded domain name.

What happens in IE8 is that the ajax error callback is triggered with the not so helpful "error" in the textstatus variable, and jqXHR.responseText as "undefined".

I know I'm supposed to provide a test case, but unfortunately I only have access to one IDN, which belongs to a customer, so I can't. I hope this report can come to some use anyway. Maybe someone else who sees the ticket have access to a public IDN and can provide a test case (any simple ajax call will do).





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