
Issue links -> Wiki Page: You do not have permission to view this page                                               


Issue links -> Wiki Page: You do not have permission to view this page

You do not have permission to view this page when linking a Confluence page in a JIRA issue



Thanks Oswaldo. We (just) managed to resolve the issue in our deployment using tips found in a related Answers thread. The configuration steps in JIRA ended up being:

  1. Administration> Add-ons> Application Links

  2. Edit the existing link to Confluence

  3. Outgoing Authentication> Trusted Applicationstab

  4. Add the following to URL Patterns:


    (IP Patternswere left blank)

  5. Click Updateto confirm

I'm not sure if this is the accepted solution for this issue, or if all of the patterns are necessary, but it works for us. Please let me know if you'd still like me to open a support ticket.


【jira】Issue links -> Wiki P




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