
OS: windows 7


SEP : 12.1 RU6

Refer article:


First click “Attachment” to download SylinkMonitor tool

如何收集SEP的sylink debug日志

Click SylinkMonitor_6733.exe to download it to your localfolder

如何收集SEP的sylink debug日志

Open it after downloading

如何收集SEP的sylink debug日志

OpenSEP interface and click “Help” -- > “Troubleshooting”

如何收集SEP的sylink debug日志

Add“ALL” by following below steps

如何收集SEP的sylink debug日志

Check the “Debug on”, then click OK, and close“troubleshooting”

如何收集SEP的sylink debug日志

Now close SEP interface, this is very important due to youwouldn’t stop SEP service if the interface is opening.

如何收集SEP的sylink debug日志

Type “ smc –stop ” in RUN

如何收集SEP的sylink debug日志

Then will popup a command window, wait for disappear

如何收集SEP的sylink debug日志

After the command windows disappear, type “ smc –start ” inRUN

如何收集SEP的sylink debug日志

Now you will see the sylink monitor shows details about SEPcommunication

Wait for 5 minutes or more, click stop , and Save

如何收集SEP的sylink debug日志

Restorethe settings on SEP client. If not, it will affect windows performance.

如何收集SEP的sylink debug日志




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