DBMS_DATAPUMP.GET_DUMPFILE_INFO()存储过程可以从dump文件中获取信息 Filetype返回以下文件类型: 1: Data Pump dump file 2: original Export dump file 在SQL*Plus中,用以下方法获取dump文件的信息:
(注意:替换和 为实际值) -- Dump file(test.dmp) is saved in the /tmp/test. SQL> conn /as sysdba SQL> create or replace directory test as '/tmp/test'; Directory created. SQL> set serveroutput on declare v_filetype NUMBER; -- 0=unknown 1=expdp 2=exp 3=ext v_info_table sys.ku$_dumpfile_info; -- PL/SQL table with file info begin dbms_datapump.get_dumpfile_info( filename => 'test.dmp', directory => upper('test'), info_table => v_info_table, filetype => v_filetype); dbms_output.put_line('Filetype : ' || v_filetype); end; / SQL> Filetype : 2 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.